31 Gods Blueprint and the washing of feet

I saw a tiny home and inside the home was 3 chairs up on a pedestal. Then I saw what looked to be what you would think of a pedicure station. But, this was square concrete blocks and inside the block was a heating element and on top of that I could see these beautiful wash tubs where people could wash one another's feet. They were light enough to be able to clean, but sturdy enough to last. 

Introduction: The Blueprint is being written until it is complete and comes to fruition. This is a Faith walk for His will being done upon my own life, and the lives He is calling forth for such a time as this. I saw this vision in 2005 but never knew what to do with it, until now. God asked me to write it out and to make it clear and to share it openly. https://gods-blueprint-2021.blogspot.com

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