Homeless 2 Homebound

Eden's Village where no one is homeless

There will be another track of land closer to town, that will mimic Eden's Village where our hometown will not have any homeless people. Read about it here. The Blueprints for this area is already complete.


The below info. is from there website >>>


Eden Village is a master planned tiny home community model, being replicated across the country, giving the chronically homeless a safe place to belong. No one deserves to sleep outside, and a home and a community is the solution to ending homelessness. Eden Village vision is to build as many tiny home communities across America until no longer does anyone sleep outside. We can’t do it alone. We need people like you to join us in bringing them home until your city is a city where no one sleeps outside.

EDEN VILLAGE’S MISSION: To expand the Eden Village model to other communities across the US in efforts to significantly decrease the homeless population across America.


Causes of homelessness can’t successfully treated until the fundamental needs of the person is met; food, clothing, and shelter are available. Once these needs are met, we can start the building and healing process. If your city is spending, it’s resources with an overwhelming homeless population. It is up to you to do something about it. We have the road map to do so.


DON'T HAVE AN EDEN VILLAGE NEAR YOU? Start an Eden Village in Your City

Good news is, we have been through this and we have learned many of the lesson’s you do not have to face. If you have a city that is in need of additional support for the chronically homeless, contact us and we will not only give you the road map and help you with applying for grants, but we will be on your team and help you through the first few years. Everything from city and neighbor buy-in, to land purchasing to tiny home construction, our team will join yours and together.



Eden Village – Springfield was the first of its kind, tiny home community, that made its debut in Springfield, Missouri in August of 2018. It has lifted disabled homeless individuals off the streets, into a home within a gated community of like individuals and the support of a community center and garden. The community center is furnished with a full kitchen, laundry room, computers, a library of books and DVDs, offices for professional service providers for support, as well as a community garden, woodworking shop, a neighborhood store, outdoor grills, and a storm shelter.

The Eden Village model does not only radically change the lives of chronically homeless individuals who have a disability, but also greatly impacts the economy of the city it is in. These individuals typically cost between $30,000 to 40,000 per individual per year due to frequent usage of public services. Models like Eden Village can help to decrease costs to the community from supporting chronically homeless individuals who have a disability by 60-75%.

We have seen continued proven success from helping the homeless, to strengthening the cities persons and economy through this community model. Our knowledge is at your disposal, we’d love to help you bring Eden Village to your city.  We hope you take advantage of this model as it is showing success in cities across the nation and we’re excited for partners like you who are joining in the fight to be a country where #No One Sleeps Outside.

Complete an application for Consultation or Eden Village in a Box for further information. For package pricing and other inquiries please email edenvillageinfo@gmail.com

Sharing another Tiny home village in Wyoming

I was just sent this video from Gary and decided to post it here, because this is the vision God is giving me for my own home town. He did tell me it was happening around the globe, pockets of protection for his people.

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